Expanding your family by four more paws is an exciting opportunity, but it is a big decision if you already have four paws pouncing around. And it is an even bigger decision if you have some kids running around the house as well.
At Pets a Go Go, we take care of a lot of dogs, so we know what it takes to care for more than one. There are a few important things to consider before you commit to another furry family member and we’ve outlined them below:
Back to square one. If you just recently finished training your pup to sit for a treat, go potty outside, not pull on the leash, etc. and you’re thinking about getting a new puppy, expect to start all over again. Your second pup will need just as much attentive training as your first dog, perhaps even more because there will be more energy and distractions with a dog already there. If you’re not ready to go back to square one with training, then consider hiring a certified pet trainer. We have plenty of trainers here at Pets a Go Go that would be happy to help.
Double the…. everything! Double the food, the treats, the vet visits, the fur, the barks, and more! With a second dog, there will be more muddy paw prints, more fur to sweep up, and more potty accidents. Pet parents will have double the number of things to handle with double the number of pets. As a good friend and neighbor with three whippets in Manhattan once told me long before I entered the industry: “there is virtually no difference between two and three dogs but there is a HUGE difference between one and two.” And boy, over the years, did this advice prove to be right.
Time and money. A new dog requires a lot of time and money. Time will need to be set aside to train the puppy and help him get acclimated to the house and family. Pet parents should also be financially prepared for all the food, treats, toys, training, vet visits, vaccinations, and more. Getting all of these things for just one puppy can be a lot, so make sure your family is prepared with time and money to care for a new dog before you commit.
New relationships. One of the biggest things that come with a new pet are all the new relationships that come with it. There will be a new relationship between the puppy and every member of the family. There is also a new relationship between the new and old dog. This is the relationship pet parents need to watch out for. If your dog is a bit aggressive or overly dependent on you, and you want to get another dog to hopefully fix some of these problems, you may be disappointed. A new dog may not fix the problems your current dog has, and might even make them worse, so make sure you think about the temperament and personality of your current dog before you get a new one or even better get advisement from your trainer and/or a rescue organization whose sole reason for being is to make happy matches.
If you feel like you and your family are prepared to start all over again with training, invest time and money, and foster healthy relationships with a new pet, then you are probably ready to add a new furbaby to your family! But if you are hesitant in any of these areas, hold off on adding to your family until you’re prepared. If you are questioning if you should get another pet, and would like someone to talk to about it, feel free to reach out to the Pets a Go Go team. We would be more than happy to help you make this important decision. Contact us at thepawsquad@petsagogo.com or call one of our locations to chat.