October is National Animal Safety and Protection Month and it’s important that as pet owners we learn about common health concerns and tips to keep our animals healthy and safe. We never expect to experience an accident or emergency with the furry friends in our lives, but it can happen, and the question is, ‘Are you prepared?’ As their owners, it is a priority that we keep the animals in our lives safe and healthy, especially since they play such a vital role in our own livelihood.
By following these tips below, not just in October, but all year round, both your human and animal family will lead safer, happier, and healthier lives.
- All veterinarians have a vaccination schedule that should be followed. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, vaccinations protect your pet from highly contagious and/or deadly diseases. Additionally, they can help avoid costly treatments for preventable diseases. You should also be sure to keep up with yearly vet check-ups.
- Make sure all your pets have secure collars with contact information. You can also take photos to keep in hand in case any of your animals get loose.
- Pet-proof: Animals are much like babies and toddlers – very curious. They will sort through all sorts of open closets and drawers, including those with dangerous household chemicals like detergents, bleach, fertilizers, glues, and other cleaners. These can cause harm if swallowed, inhaled, or even touched. Store all chemicals safely out of reach.
- Disaster Plan. You should be sure to include your furry friend in any family disaster plan. Ask the question, ‘Who will locate the family pet in the home should there be an emergency?’ Planning ahead for your family with access to food, water, shelter, and other needs should include needs for your pet as well.
These are just a few of the many ways you can be prepared when it comes to your furry friend’s health. In the case of an emergency, it can be difficult to know what to do, so having a plan always helps. Pets a Go Go recommends that you always know where the nearest emergency veterinary facility is located and the quickest way to get there.